Comics, Zombies, Beauty, Vintage fashion and more...

"They would be remembered for a moment then would be forgotten as if they had never walked the earth."
Ed Wood

"I wasn't a sex symbol, I was a sex zombie" - Veronica Lake


Faith? No more.

Well I managed to bag my tickets for Pearl Jam at the O2 Arena in August :D But on the theme of 90's alt-rock, what is with the lack of Faith No More tickets available to me? As you may well know they are playing at Download this year and for us unlucky folks who may not be able to get to Download this year I thought it meant no FNM for me. However, it seems they are playing at the O2 Academy Brixton in June for a pre-Download Festival show. But, get this - priority tickets go to no other than Download ticket holders - let me understand, if you are already set to see Faith No More playing at Download, you have priority to see them again before that? How on Earth is that FAIR? So if I can't get to Download, and can not figure out a way to get hold of Faith No More tickets due to them not being available to me having no Download ticket, I can not see FNM even once this year? All those lucky bastards seeing them twice, I hate your guts (in the nicest possible way, of course)
Oh well, I am not as big a Pearl Jam fan as I am of FNM, but I guess they will have to suffice.


Goodbye Distillers, Hello Spinnerette!

Brody Dalle really has restyled herself, her vocals and her music after being introduced to motherhood. However, as much as I love the Distillers with all my heart I am also rather fond of this new Brody and the slightly more electro, melodic sound of Spinnerette. Check out the bands myspace to hear the brilliant "Ghetto Love" and read this awesome article with the lady herself to check out exactly what I mean: Inked interview with Miss Dalle

Album review coming soon!

Rolo Tomassi

Cardiff Barfly 29/4/09

Having never heard Rolo Tomassi before my friend asked if I would like to join him in seeing their gig, I was intreged by their sound. The support acts, "Pulled Apart By Horses" and "Grammatics" were, well fairly unoriginal 'please hand me another drink' sort of acts - or at least the "Grammatics" were. They did not break my ears (in the good sense - hard, rocking, emotional, pounding brilliance) they just irritated me to the point that I sat down and tried to ignore them, like you do a nagging child. However, it was worth standing through them to hear Rolo Tomassi, not because I felt they were ear breaking, but because I thought their music was pretty crazy, and I love hearing crazy shit that makes me question what music really is. Eva, the lead female singer danced wildly across the stage screaming as loud as she could, words I could not for the life of me understand. They are the kind of band you wish you were in. Jump madly, release all your agression - sounds good to me. Their music does not fit their vocals, but I found that oddly quirky. I'd reccomend going to see them for a night out, get drunk, jump about, but they did not break my ears, and i wouldn't buy their CD.

Rating: 4/10, a little too postmodern for my ears.

P.S. Check out Eva's accessories, she makes headbands, clips, bags, etc and sells them at the gig (I was super impressed at this idea!)