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"They would be remembered for a moment then would be forgotten as if they had never walked the earth."
Ed Wood

"I wasn't a sex symbol, I was a sex zombie" - Veronica Lake


The Grit

TJ's Newport 29/05/09
With Support From Moral Dilemma

After previously reviewing the Grit's latest songs on here I went to their gig in Newport. One word: Brilliant. They definitely rocked the place out. It was a shame the place wasn't packed (note: what have they done to Tj's btw, the atmosphere has been completely obliterated!) but never the less, it was a brilliant punk gig. Plenty of noise, plenty of energy, no complaints what so ever. The support act were also brilliant, and also hail from London - Moral Dilemma, check them out! That is all I have to say - a brilliant gig, the place was only half filled, and it should have been completely filled.

8/10, because the atmosphere just wasn't quite as good as if it had been full! The crowd can make or break a punk gig.

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