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"They would be remembered for a moment then would be forgotten as if they had never walked the earth."
Ed Wood

"I wasn't a sex symbol, I was a sex zombie" - Veronica Lake



Sunday 14th March @ The Old Library

New(ish) venue, The Old Library is proving to be a good 'un. Swedish pop punk rockabilly psychobilly trio The Peacocks didn't quite bring in the crowd we'd have hoped but nevertheless, the gig was brilliant. Support came from valley's boys 8.4% and Deadbeat Deluxe. Plenty of rock n' roll, pyschobilly covers from 8.4% set the tone for the night, and warmed up the crowd for the Peacocks. Personally I am a pyschobilly fan, and even though I am not particularly knowledgable about the Peacocks, I had heard a few tunes and knew I was in for a decent show. The show out did expectations, however. Even with the venue half empty there was a great atmosphere in the room. People were up dancing, and for an empty gig that's a good achievement. I've seen some great bands who haven't managed to get people on their feet for lack of confidence in an empty room. So guys, if you have the chance, rockabilly/psychobilly fan or not, go see the Peacocks. I'd also reccomend the support acts too, if your a South Wales local!

My verdict... 8/10

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