Comics, Zombies, Beauty, Vintage fashion and more...

"They would be remembered for a moment then would be forgotten as if they had never walked the earth."
Ed Wood

"I wasn't a sex symbol, I was a sex zombie" - Veronica Lake



Who? The Aggrolites!!
A Californian five piece reggae band.
Known for? The song Dirty Reggae, found on Hellcat Records Give 'Em Boot Volume 4 and their collaberation with Rancid singer Tim Armstrong for his solo album A Poet's Life.

Where? The Croft, Bristol
When? 02/08/10

I've liked the Aggrolites for a number of years now but never managed to catch them live. The ticket cost me a whopping great £15 and let me tell you, it was worth every penny.
The Croft pub is a fantastic venue for punk gigs, Bristol is lucky enough to have quite a few brilliant venues, but I have particularly become fond of this one. On entering I instantly fell in love with the concert poster art plastered all over the walls, of which, I discovered is made directly above the pub by a small independant company Jacknife. Got to get me some of those masterpieces when I have the money! Once I'd admired the posters and drank a pint of cider I entered a very small room where a ska band was playing, time to get another drink I thought! Pretty standard local band, might as well save my ears and energy for the Californian reggae band, and boy am I glad I did!
The guys stole the show as expected. I don't think there was a soul not skanking their heart out to the beat of Mr. Misery or Dirty Reggae. Mate of mine, Drew, had previously been up on stage with the band at another gig at the Croft when they recognised him for his covers on youtube (watch here) of which they'd apparently been introduced to by one of the bands family members - oh the power of technology! They spotted him again and he joined them up on stage for a rendition of Faster Bullet and fair play Drew, you nailed it!
After what must have been over an hour of playing, the audience beckoned the band back for more with a chant of A-G-G-R-O a-g-g-r-o aggro! - Lyrics to the song they proceeded to play plus a few more. I couldn't fault them one little bit- they played all my favourites, gave in to the crowds demands and their stage presence was just brilliant - I think I might have even developed a minor crush on the lead singer (yes, he was just THAT charismatic!) I also got a hug off him at the end of the night - all in all, a night well spent!

Verdict? 10/10 Will I be rushing to see them next time? Hell yes! And buying the t-shirt... again and again!

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