Comics, Zombies, Beauty, Vintage fashion and more...

"They would be remembered for a moment then would be forgotten as if they had never walked the earth."
Ed Wood

"I wasn't a sex symbol, I was a sex zombie" - Veronica Lake


Controversial Subject....

Controversial, I know, but I actually kinda like this new Wonder Woman reboot... I mean, she is pretty badass and when characters have SO much history, like Wonder Woman, it's easy to get lost in the multiple reincarnations, so why not start again? I mean, I don't see why DC have labelled it a total reboot, it's just another new comic to add onto the multiple variations of WW, Batman, Flash, etc... so it's not really a reboot at all, it's just an addition. I am kind of disappointed she is still wearing pants though... I was super excited when I saw her shiny blue leggings last year...

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