Comics, Zombies, Beauty, Vintage fashion and more...

"They would be remembered for a moment then would be forgotten as if they had never walked the earth."
Ed Wood

"I wasn't a sex symbol, I was a sex zombie" - Veronica Lake


No Place Like Home...

Recently I have started reading a new comic: No Place Like Home. It's roughly based on the Wizard of Oz, but brought bang up to date and re-vamped for an edgier audience. I shall see how it goes but so far I am loving it.

Also, hopefully Hecate will have her own comic soon so you can see the adventures of being a zombie pin-up queen and all her run-ins with werewolves, ghouls and the devil himself! I am super excited and have started mapping out her script, I feel it's the drawing that will be the tricky part! It is all in my head but I need to get it onto paper... how do comic book artists do it?!

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