Comics, Zombies, Beauty, Vintage fashion and more...

"They would be remembered for a moment then would be forgotten as if they had never walked the earth."
Ed Wood

"I wasn't a sex symbol, I was a sex zombie" - Veronica Lake


No Place Like Home...

Recently I have started reading a new comic: No Place Like Home. It's roughly based on the Wizard of Oz, but brought bang up to date and re-vamped for an edgier audience. I shall see how it goes but so far I am loving it.

Also, hopefully Hecate will have her own comic soon so you can see the adventures of being a zombie pin-up queen and all her run-ins with werewolves, ghouls and the devil himself! I am super excited and have started mapping out her script, I feel it's the drawing that will be the tricky part! It is all in my head but I need to get it onto paper... how do comic book artists do it?!


Cosmetics Review- NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer

Okay, so kindly I was given a few samples of the new NARS tinted moisturizer...

Taken from the NARS official website:

Your skin – almost bare, but better. This advanced, oil-free formula provides a translucent veil of color and sun protection while helping to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and dark spots in just four weeks.
Infused with lush, naturally derived botanicals and ingredients to immediately helps thirsty skin feel hydrated. Kopara from French Polynesia and mineral rich seawater revive and re-mineralize skin for a softer, smoother, and brighter natural glow. Skin is transported.
  • Advanced sun protection
  • Hydrates and helps reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and dark spots for a brighter natural glow
  • Oil-free. Paraben free. Dermatologist tested. Non-comedogenic. Synthetic fragrance free.

Consumer Testing Results:
  • 84% felt their skin was more radiant and luminous
  • 81% felt the product smoothed out the surface of their skin
  • 81% felt the product gave them immediate hydration

I was given two shades: Alaska (light with neutral balance of pink and yellow tones) and St. Moritz (neutral with a yellow undertone)

I first prepped my face with NARS pro-Prime Pore Refining Primer, which felt really nice but smelt somewhat like the lotion I used to cover my ecsma with when I was a child to stop it from itching. It is probably something to do with the bisabolol and butterbur root extracts I assume, which Nars claims soothe and calm the skin. The primer feels really nice on, and controls oil in the t-zone without having that powdery cakey feel like so many anti-grease primers. I could immediately see some pore-refining too, which is a definite bonus.

On to the moisturizer... I used Alaska as I have very fair skin. It is neither yellow or pink in it's undertone but I prefer a very slightly yellow as opposed to pink undertone as I have some cheek redness that I can not stand and like to disguise! I find a slight yellow/neutral tone easily corrects this. My MAC shade is NC15, so Alaska appears to be the shade that would match this most closely.
However, on first application I felt the colour was far too yellow for me, which is odd seeing as the colour is supposedly neutral. Perhaps mixed with Finland (which appears on the site to be slightly more pink) this would counteract the yellowness? I shall have to see! I think NARS got it wrong when they claimed this was a neutral shade, it clearly isn't. The feel of the moisturizer is nice though, it doesn't spread quite so much as most tinted moisturizers though. Also, it has very little coverage. I have lots of areas I like to cover up, whether I need to or not, so it definitely isn't the type of thing I like. But it does give a nice radience to someone with already perfect skin.

Overall, not for me, but a nice non-greasy tinted moisturizer, definitely one of the best feeling tinted moisturizers I have used... just make sure you find the right colour or you may end up with a tint of yellow, and looking less radient and more ill.


Things I am Loving this Month...

American Vampire

This Eisner Award winning comic series is one I have been meaning to read for a while. I almost bought it when it came out first but was a little skint, so after being given a WHSmith gift voucher for Christmas I thought I'd take the opportunity to give it a go. I am not disappointed.
The graphic novel compiles, I believe issues 1-5, and tells two stories side by side - one of notorious outlaw Skinner Sweet, and another of flapper girl actress Pearl Jones. Sweet is accidentally turned into a vampire in the late 1800's and becomes the first of a new vamp race, one that can walk in day light, Pearl becomes his one and only sire. It is a brilliantly dark remedy to the mainstream vampires of twilight and although I am a great fan of True Blood, the vamps of American Vampire could even knock Eric down a peg or two, there's no happy endings here, just damn good reading.

Shiseido Perfect Refining Foundation

I usually wear Mac foundations. I like medium to full coverage but a barely there, natural look, which is quite hard to find. On top of that I like something that lasts ALL day. I have oily/combination skin but during the winter months I tend to get dry patches. This foundation is AMAZING. I was using Mac's ProLongwear Foundation, which really does last and last all day, however, I was finding it a bit too drying and it had started to look a bit cakey in some areas so I thought I could do with a change. This foundation doesn't quite last like ProLongwear, but what does? However, it does last all day and if you dab a bit of ProLongwear Concealer on top of any areas you are particularly concerned about (I need a little bit extra lasting coverage around my nose at the moment due to a horrendos cold) you are set all day and night. I also love how natural it looks. It has a 'semi-matte' finish and blends effortlessly into my skin. I was finding Prolongwear a little TOO light for my porcelain complexion when in artificial light (yet any darker would have looked too dark) when this looks natural in every light. Plus, the colour it goes on as, it stays as (I have found that with the prolongwear concealor it looks light at first and then drys slightly darker) I don't mean to keep comparing the product to prolongwear, because I absolutely love prolongwear as it will not budge, even in water, but this foundation is just easier to wear for every day. I still keep my faithful prolongwear for messy nights out though ;) Oh and apparently this is the foundation Kate Middleton wore for her wedding, so your in good company!

OCC Lip Tar

I am officially addicted to this stuff. It is AMAZING. It claims to go on like a gloss and have the durability of a lipstick and it DOES. It is honestly brilliant. You only need a teeny tiny amount for opaque coverage and it comes in brilliant bright shades, every colour you desire! Plus, you can mix them all and they are cruelty free! What's not to love? Forget Illamasqua, yeh sure their glosses come in great colours but they are not a patch on these and don't last at all.

Adventure Time

I absolutely love this. I mean it's taken me a while to catch on, but finally I decided to give this kids cartoon a go. It is brilliant! It is funny, quirky and genuinely entertaining, even for a 22 year old. If you are ever feeling down or ill, put on some Adventure Time and it is guarenteed to cheer you up!


it's a long way to the top.... if you wanna rock n roll

I feel like a rant (again) I know it's all I do but I really feel this issue NEEDS to be addressed. Since when is it cool to pose naked in pictures at the tender age of 17 and exclaim you are a 'model'? Further more, what is with the mass amount of 'alternative models' that have popped up on the internet? HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU A MODEL? URGH. And I really doubt you have that figure and eat 20 big macs a week, douchebag.
I just find it super concerning that the vast majority of young women are suddenly deciding to become alternative models (*cough* glamour models) and find it perfectly fine for this to be their life time wish.
I mean for one, the 'alternative' lifestyle used to be one that addressed issues such as racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. and these days it seems to just reinstate these issues rather than tackeling them. In the late 70's it was shocking and subversive to wear pants that showed your naked butt and burn your bra. These days these things seem to reinstate sexism and further solidify such issues into modern daily life.
Female friendly pornography is not photographed by men for men and does not patronise female models into thinking they are somehow doing something for the greater good of womankind by taking their panties off. Suicide girls is not female friendly, or post feminist. It is just another mainstream pornographic company run by 'the man'. How can that be 'punk rock' how can that be 'feminist' how the fuck is that ALTERNATIVE?

Get a clue.
Rant over.

P.S. There is, granted, a fine line between embracing your feminine sexuality and capitolising on it and just becoming another sheep in the slaughter house...What ever happened to wonder woman being a role model? I mean she oozes sex appeal but kicks ass at the same time. We need a revolution, we need another Buffy.


Controversial Subject....

Controversial, I know, but I actually kinda like this new Wonder Woman reboot... I mean, she is pretty badass and when characters have SO much history, like Wonder Woman, it's easy to get lost in the multiple reincarnations, so why not start again? I mean, I don't see why DC have labelled it a total reboot, it's just another new comic to add onto the multiple variations of WW, Batman, Flash, etc... so it's not really a reboot at all, it's just an addition. I am kind of disappointed she is still wearing pants though... I was super excited when I saw her shiny blue leggings last year...

Rant.... Why Do Girls Diet?!

I have been thinking, yes thinking again. They say it is dangerous for a woman to think. It probably is, because we think so hard and so much that if we thought too much this world would be exposed for what it really is – a heap of hypocritical uneducated arseholes who think they are better than the rest of the uneducated arseholes. But this is besides the point... my question is: why do women/girls diet? Why do I diet?
Okay so why DO I diet? It could be something to do with my own self image, no it is definitely to do with my own self image. Does the media have any say in my dieting? Yes. Do I like that I am affected by the media? No. But I evidently am.
When I was ten I remember saying, no, vowing, that I would never look in a mirror and ask my significant other/ anyone standing beside me while I am looking into said mirror, ‘does my bum look big in this?’ However, I am pretty sure that since then I have. Numerous times. I remember a girl in school pinching the layer of flab that cushioned my rib cage and declaring that I had ‘rolls’ and that she didn’t. I was thirteen. I had bearly lost my puppy fat, in fact I probably hadn’t seeing as I had only just entered the most devastating, soul crushing stage of my life, adolescence. I suppose adolescence sucks for everyone. I doubt anyone has any other reaction to starting their period than breaking down in tears, and if they don’t break down in tears at the realisation that you are now bleeding from your vagina and will do every month for the rest of the foreseeable future you are quite possibly a masochist. What this long winded paragraph is trying to say is, girls in school are bitches and can have a ridiculous impact on the rest of your life if they time their bitchiness right, and this one did.
These days though, I blame men for my dieting habit. Who are the most attractive women in Hollywood? Are they fat? No? Of course they are not. They are tiny and probably weigh the same as my left leg.
Every time a boyfriend would tell me how ‘hot as fuck’ some super skinny latex clad girl with F cup breasts and thighs you could crack peanuts between something inside me would decide that if I did not acquire all of her feminine attributes, or at least some of her feminine attributes I would no longer be attractive in the eyes of my boyfriend and during sex and/or my boyfriends inevitable masturbation session later that night, he would not be thinking of me and how ‘hot as fuck’ I was but of her. This therefore starts a domino effect where each domino falls down on top of me at the same time and buries me into a pit of self pity.
So first I wanted to achieve the perfect abs, just like the ones you see on TV, when a girl takes off her top and she looks so trim in her bra, no extra skin hanging over the sides, the cups seem to hug her breasts like clouds cupping the sun on a summers day, ah, beautiful. No ugly strap marks on her shoulders where the weight of her giant bosoms has dug them into her perfectly angular collar bones. Then she takes off her bra revealing her beautifully rounded, natural breasts with two nipples who point towards the ceiling, hard as if the room is twenty degrees below zero. Oh well here’s something no amount of cardio will ever help me achieve, the perfect perky breasts that all these beautiful women seem to have. So what’s the point? Maybe I should just grab another aero bar, or maybe if I have her abs my boyfriend will over look the imperfect, sagging breasts whose giant nipples seem to point down in shame towards the floor? Maybe I could achieve the perfect arse instead? But SHE has the perfect package! Surely nothing you will do will ever be good enough?! Probably not.
I kid you not, those thoughts have all run through my head numerous times, and probably through womens heads forever. I mean sure, NOW there are images of mens torsos plastered all over television, okay, maybe there could do with a few more, but women have ALWAYS had PLENTY of half naked unachievably slim beauty’s to compare themselves to, ones they will never ever live up to, and those beautiful women we see just keep getting thinner as the average woman gets bigger. Is that fair? I don’t think so.


One Eyed Monster

I came across this gem while browsing through the movie channels late at night, oh how I love you Horror Channel, what did I do before you existed? Obviously didn’t watch Ron Jeremy’s penis detach itself from his body and start on a murderous rampage across a remote porn film set that’s for sure, those were dark days... This film = the mutated grandchild of the thing and alien fathered by a Ron Jeremy. It is quite honestly one of the most riDICKulous (like my pun? Oh hahaha) movies I have ever laid eyes upon, and I am queen of all films stupid.
Still unconvinced? Why the fuck are you reading this blog then?